Robin Gauff
Robin Gauff is a PhD student at the Sorbonne University. He focuses on the biodiversity and functioning of harbor communities and how climate change might impact them. Previous works focused on the impact of fish predation on various ecosystems.
Dominique Davoult
Dominique Davoult is professor at Sorbonne University. His research is focused on the functioning, including primary production and
respiration, of coastal benthic communities. Main studied communities are brown-algae dominated intertidal communities, kelp communities and
harbor communities. The role of human impacts is considered through algal harvesting and non indigenous species introduction.
The Marina Du Chateau in Brest (Brittany, France) is a recreational harbor within a larger urban marine environment. This harbor is the object of many studies conducted by the Station Biologique de Roscoff and many aspects of it have been studied. At the border of this harbor, granite and concrete blocks stabilize the shore and host a certain biodiversity with macrophytes (Fucales) and their associated fauna. Some parts of these blocks are lit by strong LED lampposts.